WebGL 3D Dwarf Fortress Map Viewer
Export your map
EITHER Paste and execute the following code in DFHack console. This will download and run the latest exporter script, upload map data, and print a key to use on this page. Or download the script and install manually.
lua "l = require'plugins.luasocket';n='3dview-upload';s = l.tcp:connect('assets.mifki.com', 80);s:setBlocking(true);s:setTimeout(10*(dfhack.getOSType()=='windows' and 1000 or 1));s:send('GET /df3dview/'..n..'.lua HTTP/1.0\\nHost: assets.mifki.com\\n\\n');if s:receive('*l'):match('200 OK') then;while true do if s:receive('*l'):match('^%s*$') then break end end;c = s:receive('*a');end;s:close();if not c then;print 'DL ERROR';return;end;load(c)();f=io.open(dfhack.getDFPath()..'/hack/scripts/'..n..'.lua','w');f:write(c);f:close();print('Saved script '..n)"
OR If you do not use DFHack, upload ZIP archive with a savegame folder. The archive must contain only one folder with the map you want to process. Currently this feature is experimental, may take long time to process or may not work at all.
In both cases 30 z-levels will be exported down from the current level.